Baptism is often called the first act of obedience. It is an outward symbol of a change that has occurred within you. It is an act of submission where we demonstrate that Jesus is the Lord of our life. Baptism means to dip or immerse, so we practice baptism by immersion and require baptism by immersion for all members.
If you are interested in being baptized, please speak with our pastor.
Another important part of growing in our relationship with Jesus is proper worship. When we think of worship our minds often automatically go to music. While music and singing are an important part of worship, there is much more to worship.
Romans 12:1 instructs us to “present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
When we live our lives for Jesus and engage in his mission to reach a broken world we are worshiping. Worship also happens when we are obedient in Baptism, study scripture, pray, and give.
When we gather on Sundays to worship corporately, we are reminded of the great saving deeds of God. When we sing and lift our voices as one we are speaking to God and remembering his salvation offered through his Son Jesus. God invites and initiates our worship. Proper worship responds to what God has done for us; worship is not about us – it is about God.
Here at ICBC we perform for an audience of one. We strongly believe that the people on the platform are not performers but exist to encourage the congregation to lift their hearts, minds, and voices to our Savior.
An important part of growing in our relationship with Jesus is regular communication with Him.
God wants us to communicate with Him in prayer.
There are several components of prayer, we encourage you to spend time regularly in each:
Praise – Spending time Thanking God for who He is and what He has done in a general sense.
Thanksgiving – Thanking God for specific blessings and specific prayers that He has answered.
Confession – Confessing our sins and needed areas of growth to Him.
Intercession – Praying for the needs of others.
Petition – Asking God for specific requests in your life.
We encourage you to begin to regularly talk to God through prayer. There isn’t just one way to pray, and remembering the different components of prayer will help you get started. God wants to hear from you every day. If you need help we will be happy to assist you.
An important part of growing in our relationship with Jesus is regular communication with Him. God most often communicates with us through His word. We should read the Bible regularly to know more about God and His plan for our lives.
If you do not have a Bible of your own, we will provide you with one. Many contain scripture reading plans that you may follow, or we can assist you in developing one of your own.
The Bible instructs Christians to pay those who make their living through the ministry of the gospel. We are also instructed to give to those in need and to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Scripture talks about a tithe (1/10th) as the amount of money we give to support these ministries.
We also have an obligation to pay our debts. Often new Christians have enormous debt they need to eliminate. Tackling all of these financial issues requires a new way of looking at money.
If you are interested in discussing financial issues, please contact our pastor.
It is the desire of Jesus to be the ruler of all our lives. We find that the more control we give Him in orchestrating our lives, the more joy we have. Lordship comes when we turn from sin, allow the Holy Spirit to direct our lives, and commit to growing through the disciplines of prayer, confession, study, meditation, giving, solitude, worship, guidance, and celebration.